It takes less than 10 seconds to fall in love with us! offers you the opportunity to present a service with a high perceived value to all your customers. The quality and number of reviews of a Google My Business listing (the Google map so to speak) is of FUNDAMENTAL IMPORTANCE in order to appear at the top of the rankings and with an increasing number of exposures.
We have no competitors, those who cost less send EVERYONE to the reviews page, regardless of the fact that they could publish positive reviews, but also NEUTRAL or worse yet NEGATIVE reviews, destroying your customer's rating.
Servizi che lavorano come il nostro ci sono, ma costano al cliente da 29,00€ a oltre 200,00€ AL MESE! Noi offriamo tutto questo a 150,00€ per il primo anno, pagabile anche in 3 rate PayPal e con un piccolo rinnovo annuale di soli 60,00€ dove, pagate le licenze e le autorizzazioni, potremo anche generare un ricorrente annuale di 10,00€/Cliente per Voi (oltre ovviamente all'interessante gettone acquisizione del primo anno)!
Harness the power of REVIEWS!
Come vedi nel video, basta appoggiare la Tua card allo Smartphone del Tuo cliente e in meno di 10 secondi potrai raccogliere la Tua nuova recensione positiva!
As you can see in the video, just place your card on your customer's smartphone and in less than 10 seconds you will be able to collect your new positive review!
How many people are looking for a service similar to the one your client sells EVERY DAY? What if your customer always came out as the main result? Now all this is finally possible, it's up to you now to choose what to do.
Do you want to INVOICE AND EARN on the satisfaction of your customers or do you leave this privilege to other salespeople?
- Letter of Assignment
Letter of Assignment
1 file(s) 249.93 KB - Modulo Ordine Cliente
Order Form
1 file(s) 151.29 KB - Commercial Brochure
Commercial Brochure
1 file(s) 189.15 KB